Silicone Slap Wristband/Bracelet

Production Time: 14 Working Days
200 $1.45 each
500 $0.75 each
1000 $0.65 each
3000 $0.61 each
20000 $0.45 each
$50.00 each
Made of soft silicone with smooth edges. Easy to wear. Just tap your wrist and it will make a comfortable grip based on your wrist size, wrap around the other end, and you're good to go. Can be decompressed, when using it as a birthday gift, party gift, class reward, etc., color and logo can be customized according to customer requirements, you are welcome to inquire.

Normal Production Time
14 Working Days

Product Size
4 3/8" x 1 3/4"

Additional Information
Product Colors: White, yellow, red, purple, green, blue, black, pink, gray, rose, light blue, orange

Imprint Method: Screen print

Additional charges may apply.


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